Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chapattis - Indian Bread Recipe

This Indian bread is one of the traditional unleavened breads of Asia.

1 cup sifted flour (whole wheat if you have it)
1/8 t. salt
1/2 cup water

V.S.P. Sift the flour and the salt into a bowl; gradually work in just enough water, using the fingers, to make a soft dough. Divide into 10 pieces and flatten into circles on a lightly floured surface. Cover with a towel and let stand 20 minutes. Roll out as thin as possible.

Heat an ungreased skillet or griddle and place the dough circles on it. Bake over low heat, turning frequently, until crisp and browned. To keep flat, press down gently with a spatula or paper towel. Serve.

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