Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Huevos a la Romana - Roman Eggs Recipe

This is an ideal dish for brunch. Serves six.

6 hard-boiled eggs
3 T. butter, divided in two
1-1/2 oz. flour
6 oz. tomato sauce
2 cups milk
2 T. grated cheese

V.S.P. Cut eggs lengthwise in halves. Remove the yolks and mash well. Make a béchamel sauce with the flour, milk and half the butter. Reserve half the sauce. To the remaining sauce in the pan, add the egg yolks, mix well and stuff back into the egg whites. Place eggs in buttered baking dish. Mix the other half of the béchamel with the tomato sauce. Correct seasoning and pour over the eggs. Dot with remaining butter, sprinkle with cheese and bake in a 475 degree oven for 5 minutes. Serve hot.

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